Welcome To The Career Center
- Welcome
- Student Handbooks & Guides
- Class of 2024 Action Plan
- College & Recruiter Visits
- Job Search
- Rotary Club SOM
- Guide to Community Service Learning
- Additional Resources for Youth
- CTE/Graduation Pathway/ Dual Credit - College in High School (CiHS)
Welcome to the Career Center
- A hub of information available for all 9th - 12th graders to explore, develop and achieve post-secondary educational plans and goals.
- Receive support on, browse through and take printed materials on pre-apprenticeship programs, apprenticeships, two-year degrees, four degrees and military branches. Attend presentations by representatives of these programs.
- View current job openings and program opportunities.
- Learn how to use online tools like Career Cruising or work on financial aid applications and scholarships.
- Visit Career Center website for handbook guides complied by the Renton School District College and Career Specialists.
Lindbergh High School
College & Career Specialist
Contact: Christina Park
Phone: 425-204-3160
Email: christina.park@rentonschools.us
Days: Monday - Friday
Hours: 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/LHSEagles_CC
Helpful Links
Student Handbooks & Guides
Useful Student Handbooks & Guides
Grades 9th -12th
- For 9th - 12th Grade: A Guide to Volunteering handbook is available online for the 2020-2021 school year!
- Junior/Senior Handbook provided by the 12th Year Campaign
- Junior/Senior Handbook fillable provide by the 12th Year Campaign
- Comprehensive Scholarship Guide
- Washington College Access Network offers Complete College Knowledge Books, College Knowledge Glossary, packets by grade (9-12th) or by Chapter (Chapters 1-6) provided in English, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
- Financial and Social Resources for Homeless LGBTQ+ Youth In this guide, you’ll find state and national helplines, shelters and other organizations that can help, along with tips for how to avoid homelessness. If you are among the LGBTQ+ homeless youth in America, these resources can help you find support and a safe home.
- 2020-2021 Career Guide
Class of 2024 Action Plan
Don't let current circumstances get in the way of your future; apply for college now, find financial aid, or find job training and figure out your action plan.
College & Recruiter Visits
College During Covid
Students and parents are invited to watch this interactive webinar that will help them navigate through these uncertain times during Covid. Presented by Harlan Cohen, New York Times bestselling author, and College Avenue.
2020 - 2021 COLLEGE VISITS
Admission Counselors from different colleges and universities visit the high schools in the Fall to share information about their school to perspective students. These visits are often presentations in the Career Center or tabling during lunch time. This information may be updated throughout the school year.
College Exploration Videos
The Washington Council for High School-College Relations operates for educational purposes, and is organized to assist all Washington State students to access and engage in post-secondary opportunities at its member institutions."- The WA Council. They have provided the following videos:
- Bates Technical College
- Bellingham Technical College
- Big Bend Community College
- Cascadia College
- Centralia College
- Clark College
- Clover Park Technical College
- Columbia Basin College
- Edmonds College
- Everett Community College
- Grays Harbor College
- Lake Washington Technical College
- Lower Columbia College
- Peninsula College
- Renton Technical College
- Skagit Valley College
- South Pudget Sound Community College
- Tacoma Community College
- Walla Walla Community College
- Whatcom Community College
- Seattle Colleges- South Seattle, Seattle Central and North Seattle
More College Information
- Central Washington University
- Gonzaga University
- Green River College
- Lake Washington Institute of Technology
- Pacific Lutheran University
- Seattle University
- University of Washington- Seattle
- University of Washington - Tacoma
- Washington State University
- Western Washington University
Central Washington University
Central Washington University On The Spot Admissions Event!
Central Washington University On The Spot Admissions Event!
Calling high school seniors applying to CWU!
This event will allow students the opportunity to do the following:
- Complete their application
- Receive an immediate evaluation of their high school transcripts
- If eligible, receive an offer of admissions
- Ask questions about CWU and meet with the Admissions Counselors
- Requirements for CWU “On the Spot” Admissions
How do I attend the event?
Go here! After reading the information provided, scroll to the bottom of the page, find the calendar, and click on the date your are available and find a time you can attend! That's it!
Note: These appointments are first-come, first-serve and are limited in availability.
Daily Admission Sessions and More!
Students can sign up for one of CWU's daily admissions sessions and are encouraged to explore CWU's online campus tours, chats with counselors, and more!
Watch a video about Central Washington University.
Gonzaga University
Gonzaga University Virtual Presentation: Tuesday, October 20th at 4:00pm - 5:00 pm.
Students will hear a brief introduction (30 minutes long) of Gonzaga University and will be encouraged to stay after for the Q&A session (30 minutes).
Please join on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 982 2243 2035
One tap mobile:
+12063379723,98222432035# US (Seattle)
+12532158782,98222432035# US (Tacoma)
Green River College
Green River College Virtual Information Sessions
Join to hear from a Green River representative about their campus, academic programs, financial aid, and get answers to your questions.
Tuesday, October 6 & 20, 2020: 4-5 PM
Tuesday, November 3 & 17, 2020: 4-5 PM
Tuesday, December 1, 2020: 4-5 PM
Please RSVP to Austin Joy, Recruitment and Outreach Specialist, to receive the link for Zoom.
Green River Rep Connect Sessions offer prospective students the chance to collect information about getting started, applying, and learn about opportunities for financial aid.
Rep Connect Session Dates:
October 7, 2020:5-6pm
October 14, 2020: 5-6pm
October 21, 2020: 5-6pm
October 28, 2020: 5-6pm
For more information and to participate, please contact Austin Joy, Recruiting Specialist, via phone (253) 333-6041.
Lake Washington Institute of Technology
Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech) has weekly campus tours every Wednesday at 11am.
Can't make it to a campus tour? Feel free to contact Cherie Bachman, LWT Admission Coach, by phone (425) 739-8381 or email, or visit during daily drop-in hours in Rm W203 of the West Building.
Pacific Lutheran University
Pacific Lutheran University Virtual Presentation: Wednesday, October 14th at 4:00pm - 5:00 pm.
Students will hear a brief introduction (30 minutes long) of UW Tacoma and will be encouraged to stay after for the Q&A session (30 minutes).
Please join on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 984 4057 1649
One tap mobile:
+12063379723,98440571649# US (Seattle)
+12532158782,98440571649# US (Tacoma)
Seattle University
Seattle University is offering Virtual workshops ad well as One-on-one appointments with college representatives.
Students are encouraged to explore and attend the online workshops and/or sign up for a one-on-one appointment.
University of Washington- Seattle
Rep Visit- College Application Workshop
Please join LHS and UW Seattle in one or both of the upcoming College Application Workshops:
- October 26, 2020
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 952 7687 0132
One tap mobile
+12063379723,,95276870132# US (Seattle)
+12532158782,,95276870132# US (Tacoma)
- October 28, 2020
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 913 3702 3094
One tap mobile
+12063379723,,91337023094# US (Seattle)
+12532158782,,91337023094# US (Tacoma)
Please note, Lindbergh High School is hosting this event, however, all Renton School District students are welcome to attend.
UW Application Webinars for Freshman
UW is hosting application webinars for freshman. Freshman can hear directly from an admissions counselor, learn how to complete the Coalition Profile, get tips for essay writing , and so much more.
All webinars are 4–5 p.m. Pacific Time.
• Wednesday, September 30
• Thursday, October 8
• Tuesday, October 20
• Monday, October 26
• Monday, November 2
• Friday, November 6
• Tuesday, November 10
• Thursday, November 12
Please create your Coalition account in advance and have questions on hand to ask! Click on a date above to register for the webinar of your choice.
UW Miscellaneous Virtual Information Sessions
All in-person events for the remainder of 2020-2021 school year have been halted, however, students are still able to connect virtually and UW has a number of resources online to help students learn more about opportunities at the UW, get a head start on their admission application, tour the campus from afar and find answers to all their questions. Some resources that might be useful to your students include:
- Virtual admissions presentations: Hear more about the UW and the application process and get your questions answered by a counselor.
- Coalition application webinars: Watch as our counseling team walks through the components of the Coalition Profile and what parts are required to apply to the UW. We’ll even demo how to self-report coursework.
- Self-guided campus tour and virtual tours: Listen to student stories and see the sights, whether you’re on campus or miles away.
COVID-19 has disrupted all of our lives but we are committed to ensuring that no student will be unfairly advantaged or disadvantaged within our application review process as a result. Please see our website for more information on admissions and COVID-19.
We appreciate your partnership and look forward to connecting with you and your students soon.
HtooShar Mon
Admissions Counselor
Multicultural Outreach and Recruitment
Husky Preview: What will you learn?
Husky Preview, what will you learn? Read more.
University of Washington - Tacoma
University of Washington Tacoma is hosting tons of virtual events to fit the needs of their students and families. Visit their virtual information page to learn more.
Watch a video!
Virtual Presentation October 13th at 3pm
University of Washington Tacoma Virtual Presentation: Tuesday, October 13th at 3:00pm - 4:00 pm.
Students will hear a brief introduction (30 minutes long) of UW Tacoma and will be encouraged to stay after for the Q&A session (30 minutes).
Please join on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 918 9681 3854
One tap mobile:
+12063379723,91896813854# US (Seattle)
+12532158782,91896813854# US (Tacoma)
UW Tacoma Virtual Events
- Campus Tour
- Prospective Freshman Admissions
- Prospective Transfer Admissions
- Freshman Application Workshop
- Running Start Admissions
- UW Tacoma: Facts, Questions, Answers
- Q & A with the VMRC
- Admissions en Español
Campus Tour
We welcome you and your family to visit our beautiful campus in the heart of downtown Tacoma - virtually! Campus tours are student-led. You will see our campus spaces, including the library, University Y Student Center, and classroom buildings that used to be warehouses, furniture factories and grocery stores. Our Campus Ambassadors share their personal experiences in a way that help you walk away with a greater understanding of the UW Tacoma student experience.
- Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays @ 4pm
- 2nd Saturday of every month @ 10am
We welcome you and your family to visit our beautiful campus in the heart of downtown Tacoma - virtually! Campus tours are student-led. You will see our campus spaces, including the library, University Y Student Center, and classroom buildings that used to be warehouses, furniture factories and grocery stores. Our Campus Ambassadors share their personal experiences in a way that help you walk away with a greater understanding of the UW Tacoma student experience.
Please RSVP
Husky Preview: What will you learn?
Husky Preview, what will you learn? Read more.
Prospective Freshman Admissions
- Wednesdays: 3pm
This webinar is designed for high school students who are not participating in the Running Start program and will be applying to UW Tacoma as freshman applicants. UW Tacoma Admissions advisors will detail admissions requirements, housing, majors, campus life and be available to answer any questions you have!
Please RSVP
Prospective Transfer Admissions
- Transfer Tuesdays at 2pm
This webinar is designed for prospective transfer students to get all of their transfer specific questions answered in one place. We will discuss admissions requirements, transfer credit, financial aid and scholarships, and how to be major ready.
Please RSVP
Freshman Application Workshop
- 1st & 3rd Thursdays 3:00 PM
Designed for students filling out the Freshman application - gain information, get questions answered and learn about how to write your personal statement.
Please RSVP
Running Start Admissions
- 2nd & 4th Tuesday of every month: 3pm
If you are a current high school student in the running start program and have not yet applied to UW Tacoma, this webinar is for you! We will discuss admissions requirements, which application to complete, how your credits will transfer, and tools to help you along the way!
Please RSVP
UW Tacoma: Facts, Questions, Answers
- 3rd Friday of every month: 4:00pm
In this interactive webinar UW Tacoma Admissions Advisors and current UW Tacoma students will answer the questions that we get asked often and also give you time to ask questions of your own! The webinar will cover all things UW Tacoma with special topics like the differences between the UW campuses, admissions, student life, study abroad, internships and more!
Please RSVP
Q & A with the VMRC
1st Wednesday 5:00 PM
Connect with staff from the Veterans Military Resource Center in this monthly session. Learn about resources on campus, ask questions about how to use your benefits and more.
Please RSVP
Admissions en Español
- 3rd Saturday every month
Responderemos sus/tus preguntas sobre admisiones, el proceso de solicitud, fechas importantes y mucho más
Please RSVP
Washington State University
Pullman Daily Virtual Presentations: Get to Know WSU Pullman
- Life in Pullman
- Housing and Residence Life (Take a virtual tour)
- Academic opportunities Learn about all 200+ fields of study
- https://admission.wsu.edu/tuition-costs/tuition-break-down/Tuition & Fees: Cost of attendance, scholarships, and financial information
- How to apply
- Next steps after college
- The Honors College
All presentation times will take place in Pacific Time.
Western Washington University
Western Washington University Virtual Presentation: Friday, October 32rd at 3:30pm - 4:30 pm.
Students will hear a brief introduction (30 minutes long) of WWU and will be encouraged to stay after for the Q&A session (30 minutes).
Please register in advance.
Pullman Daily Virtual Presentations: Get to Know WSU Pullman
- Life in Pullman
- Housing and Residence Life (Take a virtual tour)
- Academic opportunities Learn about all 200+ fields of study
- https://admission.wsu.edu/tuition-costs/tuition-break-down/Tuition & Fees: Cost of attendance, scholarships, and financial information
- How to apply
- Next steps after college
- The Honors College
All presentation times will take place in Pacific Time.
More Pullman Daily Virtual Presentations: Get to Know WSU Pullman
- First year & transfer students Mon-Thursday: 11am & 3pm, Wednesday’s: 6pm
- Transfer Students: Wednesday’s: 3pm
- Academic Presentations, Varies days/times throughout October
- Application Help, Tuesday’s: Drop-in hours from 2-5pm
- First Generation Students, Tuesday’s: Drop-in hours from 2-5pm, 1st Wednesday every month Presentations at 3pm
- Inclusivity Panels, October 27th & November 17th, Times TBD
For more details visit Get to Know WSU Pullman.
Job Search
- Online Guide to Careers in Healthcare
- Medical Careers You Can Work From Home
- Explore your Career Path at ReadyWA.org
- King County Water District virtual job-shadowing events
- Bellevue College Institute for Business and Information Technology Advising Day
- Find your path, prepare for your journey, and/or connect with colleges at College and Career Compass Washington.
- Education & Workforce Summit Career Showcase
- Career Connect Washington - Sessions are aired at 3:30 PM PCT on Youtube.
- Ignite Worldwide has launched virtual events to inspire girls in STEM!
- Washington Business Week Virtual Leadership Camp- see Virtual Information Sessions for camp dates and details
- Occupational Mobility Explorer
Job Search
Job Postings
Republic ServicesJump Start your Diesel Career with Republic ServicesAre you interested in learning the Diesel Technician trade? You don't have to have a mechanical background to be successful, just a desire to become a diesel technician and a mechanical aptitude. This program is also great for automotive students looking to advance their skills into something bigger with an added emphasis on personal and leadership development. Explore our 9-week Technician Apprentice Program and be a part of an organization who’s fully geared up to help you achieve your professional goals.
What You'll Do:
🎥 Curious about life at Republic Services? Check out this short video about our Technical Institute to learn more!
👉 Apply now and kickstart your journey with Republic Services! Learn more and apply at RepublicServices.com/TechInstitute! Reach out to Jordanne Ellingboe and Jenn Nguyen with any questions: Jellingboe@RepublicServices.com and Jnguyen@RepublicServices.com. |
Suzie's Swim School
Now hiring a part-time swim instructor for morning or afternoon lessons.
Starting pay $20+/hour depending on experience.
No teaching experience necessary but must know all four swim strokes.
Please inquire at info@swimschool.com
Outside Service Technician is primarily responsible for the repair of case goods, leather, and upholstery furniture in customers’ homes.
Schedule: Tuesday – Saturday 7am-3:30pm
Pay: Starting $18-$28/hours
Georgina Pringle | Field Recruiter
Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc.
20623 34th Ave E | Spanaway, WA 98387
Cell 608-863-0646 | GPringle@Ashleyfurniture.com
www.ashleyfurniturehomestore.com | www.ashleyfurniture.com
Careers: ashleycareers.ttcportals.com
Driver CDL Careers: ashleydistributionjobs.com
Northwest Aerospace News
CTE Career Guide
Explore the CTE Career Guide, 2020-2021 Edition, to explore dozen of great career pathways including:
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications
Business, Management and Administration
Hospitality and Tourism
Marketing, Sales, and Service
Health Science
Education and Training
Government and Public Administration
Human Services
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Information Technology
Architecture and Construction
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
More Career Exploration & Videos
- PNW Education & Workforce Summit Virtual Panel & Career Fair
- Career Connect Washington Career Exploration at Home
- CITC: Construction Industry Training Council
- Manufacturing Week
PNW Education & Workforce Summit Virtual Panel & Career Fair
The Virtual Panel & Career Fair aired April 30, 2020 from 11 am-1 pm. Missed it? The PNW Education and Workforce Summit Virtual Panel and Career Fair is now available on online. Watch videos from:
- AA Asphalting- No video available
- Contact: Tanya Kroum, Recruiter
- Aerotek
- City of Seattle
- Green River College
- Neighbors Relocating Services: No video Available
- Contact: Guy Battaglia, Human Resource
- PCL Construction Services, Inc.
- Pedalheads Bike Camps
- Port Jobs
- Pudget Sound Window Maintenance
- Seattle Colleges
- Seattle Goodwill Industries
- Seattle Recruiting Company / US Army
- Seattle Southside Regional Tourism Authority
- Success Foundation - Southside Argonauts
- Offering two student summer programs- All students welcome.
- STEM Focused Challenge, "NASA's Roads on Mars Road Style challenge."
- Window into Work Program
- Offering two student summer programs- All students welcome.
- Washington National Guard
Questions, please send an email.
Career Connect Washington Career Exploration at Home
Everyday in May, 2020 at 3:30 pm (Starting May 4th)
Career Connect Washington career exploration at home
New Career Explore program kicking off for middle and high school students statewide: CareerConnect@Home, sponsored by Career Connect Washington. CC@H is an opportunity to provide students with critical career exploration that they may not otherwise receive given the COVID-19 school closures.
Here are the high-level details:
• Businesses, labor organizations, and industry associations are hosting live, online discussions about their industry and their work-
Discussion topics will vary from day-to-day and may include employee panels on different careers at an organization, industry panels describing a job sector, specific work skills important to a career, and / or a current challenge an organization is working to solve
May 4, 2020: Zillow- Technology and Innovation
May 5, 2020: AWS-Educate
May 6, 2020- Uber
May 7, 2020- Seven2
May 8, 2020- Bristol Myers Squibb
May 11, 2020- IBEW
May 12, 2020- Automotive Careers with ITAC
May 13, 2020- Advanced Manufacturing with SEH
May 14, 2020: Energy Utility Careers with AVISTA
May 15, 2020: Carpenters
May 18, 2020: Fashion Start-Up Armoire
May 19, 2020: Venture Capital and Startups with Madrona Venture Group
May 20, 2020: MOD Pizza
May 21, 2020: Running a Start-up with Moz
May 22, 2020: Chef Edouardo Jordan, Culinary Careers and Business Ownership
May 26, 2020: Serving in Local Government with Rep. Jesse Johnson and Zahra Roach
May 27, 2020: Part 1-Swedish Hospital and Sea Mar Community Health Center
May 27, 2020: Part 2-HealthPoint Community and Seattle Children's
May 28, 2020: Working in Non-Profits with Committee for Children
May 29, 2020: Journalism Careers with KUOW Radioactive
June 1, 2020: Alaska Airlines
June 2, 2020-Seattle Mariners
June 3, 2020- Microsoft
June 4, 2020- Boeing
June 5, 2020- Careers in Biotech with Adaptive Biotechnolgoy
June 8, 2020- Careers in Maritime Industry- Explore the world on commercial, scientific, and naval vessels.
June 9, 2020- Nanostring
June 10, 2020- Grant Public Utility District- Powering WA with Hydroelectricity
June 11, 2020- Management Consulting with Boston Consulting Group (BSG)
CITC: Construction Industry Training Council
Learn more about Apprenticeship, Construction Training, Continuing Education, and Skill Assessments at CITC.
Manufacturing Week
2020 Manufacturing Week LIVE! Videos
Watch videos from 2020 Manufacturing Week Live, which tell the stories of manufacturing in the State of Washington and featuring these subjects aired on:
October 5th- Innovation: Featuring women in manufacturing
October 6th- Sustainability: Featuring the topics of technology, energy, and carbon.
October 7th- Supply Chain Distribution: Featuring the topics of trade, transportation, and infrastructure.
October 8th- Agriculture: Featuring Food & Beverage manufacturing and distributing
October 9th- Aerospace: Featuring the topic of aviation manufacturing
Learn more about Career and Technical Education in the Renton School District.
Rotary Club SOM
View Students of the Month from current and past years!
From September to May, the Rotary Club of Renton honors one exceptional senior from each of the Renton School District High Schools. A selection committee of Rotary members reviews applications and interviews students. The award is given to students who participate in volunteer work in their community, possess leadership abilities, maintain a good grade-point average and participate in school activities. The students and their parents/guardians are guests at a Rotary luncheon. You only need to apply once to be considered for the recognition.
Be sure to download the Rotary Youth of the Month application and email your application to Mr. Rhodes in the Career Center.
For the application, visit the Renton Rotary Website and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Guide to Community Service Learning
Community Service Graduation Requirements
Board Policy 2410
Students are required to complete 20 hours of community service as part of their high school graduation requirements.
The project may be completed through participation in school activities (e.g., National Honor Society, Key Club, athletic teams, etc.) as well as other acceptable community activities.
- Community service hours are typically completed outside of school time. Additionally, the work must be voluntary in nature and not tied to any class credit or pay.
- It is recommended that the community service be related to the student’s career exploration or to a cause about which the student feels passionate.
- Written requests for waivers shall be addressed to the Principal and will be granted when appropriate, in accordance with Procedure 2410.
Superintendent's Certificate of Merit
A Certificate of Merit will be issued to high school students meeting the requirements below. This recognition is designed to honor those students who demonstrate a deep commitment to serving their community by going far above and beyond the graduation requirement for community service. Community service hours may be accumulated annually or throughout the high school career. Students will keep a written log and hours must be verifiable.
- A bronze-level designation on the certificate is earned for completing 80-99 hours of community service.
- A silver-level designation on the certificate is earned for completing 100-119 hours of community service.
- A gold-level designation on the certificate is earned for completing 120+ hours of community service.
The Basics for Volunteering
- Volunteer Database- Find a volunteer opportunity
- Why Volunteer? 10 Excellent Reasons to Volunteer
- Forms Needed for Volunteer Work
Volunteer Database- Find a volunteer opportunity
Available volunteer opportunities
Search by organization name, career cluster, age or hour requirements!
Our community is a dynamic place offering an endless supply of volunteer opportunities that can benefit from your contributions, skills, and talents!
This database provides current information and strives to provide accurate information, however, opportunities or requirements are continually changing. Always contact an organization directly for their most current volunteer information and requirements.
Additional volunteer opportunities may also be shared in your high school’s daily announcements, posted on bulletin boards around the school or made available through a high school club.
Countless additional opportunities exist to be uncovered through your own exploration! If you participate in a volunteer opportunity not included on this site, please share this information with your high school’s College & Career Specialist so we may include the organization on our list for future students.
Featured Volunteer Opportunity
The Salvation Army is running a Rescue Christmas Campaign and is looking for volunteers to ring bells! A two hour shift of ringing bells can help feed up to 26 people! Volunteer locations include Newcastle, Renton, Issaquah, and Mercer Island.
Khiabett Contreras
Please contact by Friday, November 13th, 2020
Why Volunteer? 10 Excellent Reasons to Volunteer
1. You’ll feel empowered about the positive impact you’ll make in our community!
2. Your sense of ownership of our community and ability to make change in it will increase!
3. Nearly all volunteer opportunities are free, making it accessible to all! While a tiny portion of volunteer opportunities require fees to participate to cover costs of materials, if you need to, you can always inquire about scholarships and/or financial assistance.
4. Volunteering gives you a chance to expand upon and practice your skills or even learn new ones!
5. The giving of your contributions, such as time and skills, demonstrates your character and positive qualities. This makes a great way to begin building your professional network and relationships, with people who can support you with your future goals and success.
6. Volunteering can expand your world! You may meet new people from all aspects of life, explore other cultures and even make new friends!
7. Whether you are just beginning to explore your career options or have narrowed your interests down, volunteering can provide you with a chance to explore potential educational or career pathways.
8. Many scholarships and college admissions are granted to students who demonstrate service to other people through volunteering.
9. Earn an award through the Renton School District by earning the Superintendent’s Certificate of Merit!
10. RSD students must complete a minimum of 20 hours of community service as part of the district’s graduation requirements.
Forms Needed for Volunteer Work
Time Logs
You are strongly encouraged to track your volunteer hours after each volunteer shift on the RSD Community Service Time Log.
Doing so will help ensure you accurately record the actual number of volunteer hours completed. Do not “keep track” of your hours in your head. It is too easy to not remember the dates and actual number of hours volunteered. Why shortchange yourself? Don’t do it! Record as you go!
Find the Community Service Time Log, Service Reflection Questions, and Community Service Pre-approval forms online. Please note that most volunteer opportunities do not require the Pre-approval form, ask you counselor or your College & Career Specialist if one is required. Please email Mrs. Stallman or Ms. Bale your completed Hours Log Form and Reflection Questions.
Explore volunteer opportunities now!
Frequent Questions and Answers about Volunteering (FAQ's)
- Getting Started
- What do volunteers do?
- Deciding where to volunteer- First 3 Steps
- Deciding where to volunteer- Things to Consider
- Volunteer Applications
- Skills & Training
- Internships: when these hours count as volunteer hours
Getting Started
You are strongly encouraged to volunteer on an on-going basis, beginning as soon as a 9th grader and to finish more than the minimum requirement of 20 hours.
- Volunteering more than the minimum requirement reflects an individual’s character and can become an important aspect of a scholarship, job and college/university application that can help distinguish a student from other applicants.
- If you do not have employment experience, regular volunteering may provide you with a reference.
This is a non-family member who can speak of your experience, personal character and qualifications that can lead to a job. Volunteering can also be a fun and unique way to spend time as a class, sports team, club or with a group of your friends! - You can become involved in a short-term project or a onetime event that is only a few hours.
Other volunteer opportunities are long-term and may require a commitment of multiple hours per week or month. - Organizations may have needs for volunteers during the day, weekends, afternoons, evenings and/or holidays.
Some organizations will not be able to accommodate your schedule needs due to type of service they are providing, while some organizations or specific volunteer opportunities can be flexible around your schedule. Make sure to consider your other commitments when scheduling your volunteering. You’ll also want to plan for transportation and the time it takes to commute somewhere.
What do volunteers do?
Volunteers perform a variety of unpaid tasks for nonprofits, faith communities, organizations, and groups that often depend on the support of volunteers to sustain and continue their services.
Volunteers perform a wide range of tasks. These tasks can include stuffing envelopes, feeding animals, tutoring children, and other youth, building homes, serving as a museum guide, collecting donation items, fundraising, or even painting fingernails at a senior center! Volunteers are of all ages and all aspects of life, coming together to support and strengthen our community.
It is important to remember that when you accept a volunteer position, you are making a personal commitment to be there for that organization. Volunteers that show up late, cancel at the last minute, or provide poor quality effort, can end up harming the organization and preventing it from the work it provides to our community. Please honor your commitments.
Deciding where to volunteer- First 3 Steps
Step 1: Talk with your friends and family members
- What kind of volunteering do they do? Does this appeal to you?
- What type of experiences have they had? What skills have they gained?
- Are there openings available and/or do they have a contact person?
- Consider volunteering together with friends and family. Many organizations will host groups. In fact, some volunteer opportunities are specifically for groups!
Step 2: Review an organization’s website
- Read about an organization, their mission statement and current efforts. Does their work align with your beliefs and values? Do you want to support the services that they provide?
- Learn about current volunteer opportunities
- Access volunteer application and other required forms
Step 3: Determine a service area to focus on
- Animal shelters/zoos
- Arts/Music
- Children/Youth
- Civil Rights/ Social Justice
- Community engagement
- Environment
- Families
- Homelessness
- Holiday assistance
- Hunger/Food insecurities
- Minority groups
- People with disabilities
- Religious institutions
- Seniors
Deciding where to volunteer- Things to Consider
- Are you a member of a sports team, youth club, faith community or a similar group that already offers volunteer opportunities or will allow you to volunteer with them? Or, who are wanting to volunteer together at another organization?
Most organizations offer group volunteer opportunities but do have different requirements about the size of the group. - Can you take your skills, both learned in and outside of school and share them with other people?
For example, as a player of a sport you already know the importance of being a team player, leadership and communication skills and working towards a common goal. These skills can be transferred into leading a group of people preparing and serving a community meal. - Do you speak more than one language?
Consider asking if an organization can utilize your language skills. For example, the Asian Counseling and Referral Services provides services to its clients in their preferred language. - Use this guide for research and then connect with an organization that interests you. They may have a Volunteer Coordinator, who is the person who will guide you on the process of volunteering with their organization. If unsure of who to contact, use the general phone number or email address of an organization and communicate your intentions of volunteering.
- Consider the location of where you will be volunteering, and the transportation required to get there.
Most organizations cannot assist you with your transportation needs. There are ways to reduce transportation costs, such as carpooling with a group of friends to cut down on gas costs or even volunteer within your neighborhood to remove transportation costs all together. - Many organizations have established volunteer programs in place:
- Animal shelters
- Art organizations
- Children/Youth Services
- Environmental groups
- Food pantries/banks
- Hospitals/medical clinics
- Religious institutions
- Schools
- Senior Centers
- Services to people with disabilities
Volunteer Applications
Many organizations require you to complete a volunteer application as part of their orientation process. This allows an organization to collect your contact information and parent/guardian permission. In some cases, it also collects your areas of interest, any relevant experience you may have and/or teacher/coach references. Those may be required by highly sought after but limited volunteer positions, such as those in the medical field. Make sure that you still complete all application and paperwork professionally and neatly.
A Washington State background check may also be required for certain organizations due to type of service they provide. If so, it will be free of charge to you. However, it can take a few weeks to process background checks. So, make sure to plan accordingly, as it will need to be processed prior to the start of your volunteering.
A volunteer application has a different purpose than a job application. The volunteer application, and any other forms you may be asked to complete as part of an orientation process with an organization, are for their own records and documentation purposes. So, don’t stress about not being accepted as a volunteer or not when you complete a volunteer application.
If you are 17 years and younger, there may be additional paperwork required of you and/or limitations to the type of volunteer positions you may do. This is only a reflection of the needs and limitations of an organization, not of you. So, don’t get discouraged! Remember, volunteering provides growth opportunities and can be a helpful aspect in gaining paid employment and/or acceptance in educational majors and/or schools.
Skills & Training
Consider your skills and interests when deciding where to volunteer. You can select a volunteer opportunity where your current abilities and skills can be strengthened, or you can try out a volunteer opportunity where you’re gaining new skills. In the end, you’ll gain some type of experience for all the volunteering you do, so make it meaningful for yourself!
Ask about the training provided to you as part of an orientation process and the timeline required to begin volunteering. Questions to ask about include what items you should bring with you. For example, some park restoration projects provide gloves and shovels while some projects will need you to provide your own. If unsure of what to ask, you can always ask the organization’s Volunteer Coordinator if there is any information that you will need to know. Asking questions will help prepare you for a great, rewarding volunteering experience!
Internships: when these hours count as volunteer hours
Additional Resources to assist you
Career Cruising
RSD provides access for RSD students, in grades 6th – 12th, to use Career Cruising. This online platform grows with you and supports the development of your lifelong dreams and goals by allowing you to take assessments on your areas of interests, explore colleges and majors, learn about career pathways including required education, earning outcomes and more!
1. To access your Career Cruising account, use the below login information and visit:
2. Career Cruising Login information:
a. Username: It is your RSD computer login with the added prefix of “RSD-”
Example: RSD-kev.ngu018
b. Password: Use your RSD lunch ID
This is also your RSD student number
Example: 000000
Need Career Cruising help? Ask your College & Career Specialist in your Career Center.
Website Search Engines for Volunteer Opportunities
Just Serve: Use their free app to locate volunteer opportunities on the go!
Seattle Works: Featuring volunteer opportunities primarily within City of Seattle.
United Way of King County: Always featuring hundreds of local events, you can even register to make signing up for events simple!
Volunteer Match: Create a free profile to be notified of local volunteer opportunities that match your areas of interest. Make sure to indicate your city or zip code to find local opportunities.
Additional Resources for Youth
Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health
- Trans Lifetime
- TeenLink
- Teen Line
- Trevor Project
- WA Listens
- WA Warm Line
- 24- Hour Crisis Hotline
- Crisis Text Line
- Safe Place
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Homeless Assistance
Trans Lifetime
Trans Lifeline is for the trans community, ran by the trans community, and offers direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis.
Call now 877-565-8860 to get support or learn more about what services are offered.
Teen Link is a help line for teens, by teens. You can call/text/chat with a teen volunteer 4 days a week from 6PM-10PM on Saturdays, Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. They will listen to your concerns and talk with you about whatever is on your mind. Adults will still be available other times so you can always have someone to talk to. Their number is 1-866-833-6546 or 1-866-TEENLINK.
Teen Line
Teens helping teens! Who better to go to then someone who is your own age and can relate to the issues and challenges facing your generation? Teen Line!
- CALL: (310) 855-HOPE same as (310) 855-4673
OR (800) TLC-TEEN same as (800) 852-8336
Toll-free in the United States and Canada - TEXT: Text "TEEN" to 839863
- Peer counselors are available from 6:00PM TO 9:00PM PACIFIC TIME
- Text "STOP" to opt out. Standard message and data rates may apply. Read terms and conditions.
- EMAIL: Visit Teen Line to send an email. Please note: TEEN LINE gets hundreds of emails, so we are not always able to get to each one. If you do not receive a response from us within 5 days, please call our hotline, text us, email us again, or pursue one of the other resources on this page.
Teen Talk is a free iPhone app where teens can get support for whatever they may be dealing with from a trained teen. It is a safe, non-judgmental space where you can anonymously post your issue at any time and get support.
Teen Talk peers are available from 6:00PMT TO 10:00PM PACIFIC TIME -
Visit the Teen Talk message board to read what other teens are going through and share your own!
Trevor Project
Are you a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgement-free place to talk? The TrevorLifeLine is here!
- TrevorLIFELINE: 866-488-7386
- This crisis intervention and suicide prevention phone service is available 24/7/365.
- This crisis intervention and suicide prevention phone service is available 24/7/365.
- TrevorCHAT: Confidential online instant messaging with a Trevor counselor, available 24/7.
- (Access is better through a computer, as you may have technical difficulties if using a smartphone or tablet.)
- (Access is better through a computer, as you may have technical difficulties if using a smartphone or tablet.)
- TrevorTEXT: Text START to 678-678
- Confidential text messaging with a Trevor counselor, available 24/7/365. Standard text messaging rates apply.
WA Listens
Washington Listens is a free, anonymous service for anyone in the state. Washington Listens provides support to people who feel sad, anxious, or stressed due to the events of this year including COVID-19 and the wildfires. Call 833-681-0211 now!
WA Warm Line
WA Warm Line is a peer support help line for people living with emotional and mental health challenges. Calls are answered by specially-trained volunteers who have lived experience with mental health challenges. They have a deep understanding of what you are going through and are here to provide emotional support, comfort, and information. All calls are confidential.
If you are in crisis or considering suicide, call the 24-Hour Crisis Line at 1-866-427-4747
24- Hour Crisis Hotline
The 24-Hour Crisis Line provides immediate help to anyone in emotional crisis. You can call 1-866-427-4747 or 1-866-4CRISIS for help.
Crisis Text Line
However you are feeling or whatever issue is giving you a hard time:
- Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor.
- US and Canada: text 741741
- UK: text 85258 | Ireland: text 50808
Free 24/7 support at your fingertips at the CrisisTextLine.
Safe Place
Need a place to stay or are you in a crisis? Safe Place can help with any of the following problems and more: from home situations, suffering from abuse or neglect, lost or in a dangerous situation, with a drunk or unsafe driver, or just need to talk.
Need Help?
Text SAFE to 44357 with your current location (Street Address, City, State)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
Call 800-273-8255
Homeless Assistance
- Financial and Social Resources for Homeless LGBTQ+ Youth, created by MoneyGeek.
MoneyGeek worked with Selima Morrow, director of outreach and community housing at CHRIS 180, to write this resource page. It includes:
• Facts about the issue of LGTBQ+ youth homelessness.
• Information on housing and financial assistance at the national and state level.
• Practical advice on how LGTBQ+ youth can navigate homelessness and find help.
- Creating LGBTQIA+ Friendly Communities in Healthcare & Education:
This guide highlights the challenges LGBTQIA+ students and patients regularly face such as discrimination by healthcare providers and insurance, and the lack of proper training on LGBTQIA+ issues by teachers and doctors. It also provides some really helpful tips and resources for finding an LGBTQIA+ friendly healthcare provider and college.
- Scholarships & Resources for African Americans:
At EduMed, we're always looking for ways to help students in healthcare and other fields achieve their college and career goals through the free resources we publish on our website. The latest example of our efforts is a new scholarships and resources guide we created specifically for African American students.Our online guide showcases 20 scholarship opportunities (including many in the healthcare field) that can make all the difference in affording college. We've also provided a list of valuable academic and career resources that African American students can use to maximize their success during and after college.