Visit the Running Start website at the college that you are interested in attending.
Review the content on the website and watch their videos.
Each college provides Running Start Information Sessions with important information for their college. Attend one of these sessions!
Each college has their steps for Running Start enrollment posted on their website. Read and follow the college’s steps.
Read and follow the college’s steps.
Each college is slightly different but their steps usually follow this order:
Step 1: Apply for admission at the college.
Apply for admission to the college you have chosen and obtain a student ID number and student email.
Step 2: Determine Eligibility
To be eligible for Running Start you must place into college level English. Each college’s website will explain to you how English eligibility can be determined.
If you are wanting to take math, then you will need to also provide evidence of placement into college level math to the college.
Step 3: Make an appointment with your high school counselor. Your high school counselor must complete and sign their portion of your Enrollment Verification Form(EVF). In order for your counselor to sign your EVF you must provide them with the following:
A. A completed and signed Lindbergh Running Start Agreement Form.
B. Your college student ID number.
C. Proof of eligibility for college level English (See Step #2 above).
D. Your decision if you are going to be a full time Running Start student or part time.
E. If you are choosing part time you must tell your counselor which classes you plan on taking at Lindbergh.
Step 5: Complete and sign your portion of your EVF, submit the EVF to your college, and register for classes with the college.
Submit your completed and signed EVF (Enrollment Verification Form) to the college. Make an appointment to see a college advisor and to register for the college classes you plan to attend.